Large Print with Ingram

Everything you need to make your books more accessible with Large Print editions!

Large Print

Why Large Print?

Hundreds of thousands of books are published every year, yet finding large print versions can be challenging for those who need them. The World Health Organization published that 2.2 billion people have near or distance visual impairment. Those with learning difficulties can find large print content easier to digest and interpret. There are also many who simply prefer large print to standard text, especially those who spend much of their day using a digital screen.

What Are the Guidelines for Publishing in Large Print?

In conjunction with the UK Accessible Formats Association (UKAAF) we have developed guidance for best practice when setting up Large Print editions, including recommended font styles and sizes. We also worked with the Royal National Institute of the Blind to ensure our paper stock is of sufficient quality for readers of large print.

Whilst there are no specific guidelines for the metadata of large print editions, we have worked with UKAAF, RNIB and the Daisy Consortium to put together guidance for our publishers.

I want to make my books more accessible! What do I need to do now?

That’s great! Fill out this form to indicate your interest and our Large Print expert will reach out to help you with the next steps on your Large Print journey.

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Ingram’s Large Print in the News

Listen to Ingram key account sales manager Laura Dolan’s recent conversation with the IPG about the importance of large print publishing. She introduces some improvements Ingram is making to support publishers wanting to expand their large print programmes.

The digitalprinter awards 2023

In recognition of its support for publishers producing Large Print books, Ingram was honored to receive the prize for Adding Value at the 2023 Digital Printer Awards.

Ingram Content Group is proud to be a charter ally of the Publishing Accessibility Action Group.